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Alison’s Final Gift of Generosity

By Jenny Dunn, Head of Marketing and Communications

Twenty-Three years ago Alison gave her first gift to Opportunity International. Since then she faithfully gave £100 a year, regularly supporting our work and the people we serve.

An intelligent, hardworking women, Alison paved out a successful career working in the civil service at a time when women were not expected to have a profession.  She strongly believed in the importance of education and empowering women.

At the age of 90 Alison sadly passed away, but her generosity lives on. 

After ensuring her family and friends were looked after, Alison gave the same opportunity to people living in poverty. Alison’s gift to Opportunity International in her Will, along with her regular gifts over the last 23 years, has enabled over 13,400 people to build sustainable livelihoods through access to transformative financial training.  

“Alison was always concerned about giving people a chance.  I am deeply moved and delighted by her final gift, and the impact she has had on the lives of so many.”  (Duncan Ferguson, Alison’s nephew)*

Alison's final gift of generosity will last for generations

Leaving a gift in your Will, even just 1% of your estate, can make a lasting difference.

If you would like to explore more, please click here.

Your final gift of generosity could unlock the future for thousands of people currently living in poverty. 

Supporters like Alison, and you, are what makes our life-changing work possible. Thank you.


*With thanks to Alison’s family, Rosemary and Duncan, for allow us to share her generous story.

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