In 2023 we shared the story of Dorka, a smallholder farmer from Mulanje district in Southern Malawi whose harvest, and thus the return on all her hard work and investment, was wiped out by Cyclone Freddy.
On a recent visit to Malawi, I was able to reconnect with Dorka. I saw for myself how, with the support of funders like Jersey Overseas Aid, Opportunity International is helping poor farming households, like hers, restore hope and build resilience to economic and climate-related shocks.

Dorka left school at thirteen and went into farming.
Dorka lives with her family in a simple one room, brick and thatch home deep in rural Mulanje. Behind her home is a kitchen where she prepares meals over a fire and to the side is a wooden structure where she keeps goats.
We were warmly greeted by Dorka, her husband John, and one of her daughters. Although shy to start with, Dorka soon opened up and was only too willing to share how she put the skills she has learnt into practice to improve her farm and business activities. While Dorka spoke, her husband stood by, quietly listening and beaming with pride at his wife’s achievements.
Dorka explained to me that prior to her involvement with Opportunity her business was small and not very effective. Through her Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA), she has benefitted from training in financial literacy, climate smart agriculture practices and business management. Not only that, the VSLA members provide her with a social support network, offering advice and encouragement.
Dorka has also benefited from Opportunity’s peer mentoring programme, which linked her with an experienced businesswoman from the local community for business advice. By applying all the lessons she has learnt, she has been able to expand her business activities to supplement her farm income.
Previously at least 80% of the household’s income was generated from farming, so when Cyclone Freddy destroyed their crops, they were badly affected. Now, alongside her husband John, Dorka operates a side business selling recycled metals and plastics. They also rear goats.

Dorka with the goats that she rears as an additional income.
Like many parents Doka’s primary focus is on the next generation, she says, "I am hoping for a better agricultural season, and I am working hard with my husband to boost my businesses so that my children can complete their studies." Through the additional income generated by their business activities they are paying for secondary school and college fees. One child is studying theology and another accounting, while their daughter in Grade 12 dreams of becoming a nurse.
Previously the family would have struggled to turn these dreams into reality. Now, thanks to Opportunity’s help, Dorka and her husband have high hopes for a more secure future for their children.

Dorka with her husband and daughter, and her Farmer Support Agent Thokozire, who is holding a photo of Dorka's VSLA.
By the end of my visit, it was clear to me that the training and support that Opportunity is providing in rural communities is having a meaningful impact. At 26,000, the overall number of people reached by our Jersey Overseas Aid funded project in Malawi is impressive, but it is the individual stories of hope, dignity and determination that will leave a lasting impression on me.
Stories like Dorka’s.