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Starting Again

By Jenny Dunn, Communications Manager

In 2019 we embarked on an exciting new project working with Refugees in Uganda.  To get a deeper understanding of the people we were serving, their needs and experiences, we visited the Nakivale Refugee settlement with photgrapher Kate Holt - a collection of the beautiful personal stories of Refugees can be seen here. 

Refugees queuing for food

We met strong, resiliant and ambitious individuals determined to regain their independence and start a new life for themselves.  Our provision of financials services and training helps them do just that. To date:

  • More than 1,500 people have received financial training (since COVID-19 this has been done in smaller, socially distanced groups).
  • Over 580 people have opened secure savings accounts.
  • Over 100 people have received a loan to improve their business.

In light of COVID-19 we are rolling out digital solutions as quickly as possible.  Digital cash transfers through mobile phone banking have been piloted with 207 refugees and this will continue to be developed. 

Our work to support refugees is vital in enabling them to start again and rebuild their lives.  As Gentil (a refugee from Burundi) says:

To be free, you have to have a vision, a plan and financial freedom.



If you would like to support this life-changing work, please donate today.  

All photos ©Kate Holt/Arete Stories

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