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When a woman is given an opportunity, she can transform the world

By Emily Wilson, Communications Officer

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination…

We work with women farmers and entrepreneurs as they equip themselves with the financial skills and products to create sustainable livelihoods. Livelihoods that raise their standard of living. So that their children can go to school, their families can eat well and they have a secure income for the future.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #breakthebias. It's a call to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.

It’s also an opportunity for us to celebrate the success of our work with women. Women are starting, and growing, their own businesses, stepping into leadership positions in their communities and inspiring and teaching others.

Many of our programmes now include gender equality training, where we work with groups of men and women to raise awareness of the bias against women and increase equality in their roles and access to services.  The financial and physical successes are obvious: new businesses, higher profits, better farming yields... but there are psychological and relational benefits too. Women have more confidence, they are sharing their new skills and teaching others in their community. Households are happier as men share responsibility of caring for children, more children are attending school, and nutrition and health improves as well.

WATCH this three-minute video of our clients in Ghana that celebrates their achievements after taking part in our recent UK government support Roots of Change project. It showcases how successful a community can be when we challenge a bias and prioritise gender equality. 

When a women is given an opportunity, she can transform the world.

Will you consider giving that opportunity?  DONATE today.

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