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Meet the Clients Esperance


Country: Rwanda

Esperance is a farmer from Rwnanda. After the death of her husband, she struggled to make ends meet and send her children to school. Opportunity Internaitonal provided her with training and a loan, helping her to improve her farm and make a profit. She has now built a successful business and is able to provide for her family. 

Esperance is a farmer in Rwanda growing maize and beans. When her husband died, she struggled to send her 7 children to school, and to provide enough food and clothing for them.

After being introduced to Opportunity International, Esperance received agricultural and financial training alongside a loan for fertiliser that helped improve her farm’s yield. She now sells her surplus produce at her local market and with the increased income she is able to provide for her children’s education, clothing and food. Over time, her farm has grown and she now hires people to help on the farm during harvest.

Esperance has also joined a cooperative where she receives further support and advice from other farmers. She is motivated to help other smallholders, particularly women, and encourages them to grow their business and join her cooperative.

Esperance hopes to expand her land and to see her children succeed.