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Oxford, OX4 1AW UK

T: +44 (0)1865 725304

© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).

Where we Work


During the last few years, Ghana has known sustained economic growth. Despite this, many still struggle to make a living that can support themselves and their family. In rural areas and the northern region in particular over half of all families still live below the poverty line. Within this framework, we are addressing some of the most urgent challenges this brings particularly for women, education and access to water and sanitation.

Skills for Work for Vulnerable Young Women

In Ghana’s capital city Accra young girls are living and working on the streets, carrying heavy loads on their heads in market-places for small sums of money: they are called Kayayei, or head porters. They have often migrated from the Northern Region searching for jobs, but lack of education often means that their livelihood options are limited. They usually end up living in slum areas and are highly vulnerability.

Since 2019, CarVal Investors Foundation and Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust has supported 108 girls and young women (aged 15-24) vocational training, financial literacy and sexual and reproductive health training; the opportunity to set up a savings account; and receive business start-up kits and a business loan. From January 2023 to December 2024, 200 more Kayayei will have the opportunity to receive this life-changing vocational training and access to financial services. This is funded by Swiss-based Medicor Foundation.

Our Impact

Through a range of innovative programmes focussing on access to financial loans, savings and training, Opportunity International is making a real difference to thousands of women and youth, from the slums of Accra, the capital, to remote rural locations.

Vulnerable young women - 'Kayeyi' - have been supported to develop their own business.
of participating young women reported greater empowerment to participate in decision making.

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