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Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street
Oxford, OX4 1AW UK

T: +44 (0)1865 725304

© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).


One out of every two people on this planet struggles to feed and educate their children. When powered by opportunity, they have a chance to work their way out of poverty and transform their lives. For over 45 years, Opportunity International has provided the access to savings, loans, training and insurance that all people need to create a better future for their families and their communities.

Poverty has a firm grip on rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa and millions lack access to sufficient high quality food. Even where natural resources are ample, people suffer from chronic malnourishment because they lack access to agricultural financing, quality seed and fertiliser, competitive crop distribution channels, agricultural education and training, and insurance against natural disasters.

Opportunity International focuses on improving agriculture across Africa because it is home to a quarter of the world’s arable land, yet it generates only 10% of global agricultural output. The fact remains that a typical African smallholder farming household lacks the necessary resources to transform their subsistence farm into a thriving agribusinesses.


Supporting farmers to withstand the effects of Climate Change 

Countries across Africa are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Extreme weather events such as higher temperatures and changing rainfall, not only effect crop harvests and food security but are also leading to an increase in infectious diseases, such as malaria. This is having a direct impact on the livelihoods and health of those we work with. Many of our farming clients have seen their crops eaten by an increase in pests or seen them washed away by extreme flooding. Opportunity International is helping our clients to adapt to the effects of climate change on their farms. We are teaching our clients climate resilient strategies, providing them with access to secure savings and better loans.  By encouraging them to adopt climate resilient practices and save securely, our clients can better prepare for, respond to and adapt to the effects of climate change…. And ultimately build a strong and sustainable livelihood to provide for their family.

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