We invest in edu-preneurs
Roy and her Daughter's StoryRoy Ssenabulya and her husband, Evans, have 3 daughters under the age of 8.
They were determined to ensure their daughters got a good education and also noticed the number of children, especially girls, in their community that were removed from school when their families couldn't afford the expense.
So, they opened a school in a small wooden structure on a rented piece of land with just 100 children. With a loan and training from Opportunity, their school has grown to serve over 900 students.
Evans says that the support from Opportunity has enabled him to realise his dreams for a better education not only for his girls, but for hundreds of other girls and children in their community.
The Facts
Sub-Saharan Africa counts for 47% of out-of-school children worldwide; 54% are girls.
Girls' education is proven to be one of the most cost-effective strategies to promote development and economic growth. Studies show that educated mothers tend to have healthier, better nourished babies, and that their own children are more likely to attend school; thus breaking the vicious cycle of poverty.
Job creation is an important driving force against poverty. Providing financial solutions for the working poor addresses current poverty levels, but we can only hope to create truly impactful change for the future by also addressing the education needs of the next generation of workers.
Across Africa, parents are keen to give their children the opportunities that education affords, but state schools are bursting at the seams and often located far from home. As a result, "edu-preneurs" are establishing low-cost community schools to meet this demand. We believe in the power of the community school as a driver for improving access to and and quality of education as well as a powerful catalyst for job creation and economic growth.
With an Opportunity School Improvement Loan, these schools can build classrooms and hire teachers, which increases capacity. They can also build toilet blocks, which increases the attendance rate of girls. Opportunity also provides School Fee Loans for families reliant on small business or agriculture for their income, ensuring a child's education is not disrupted by irregular cash flow. In these communities, girls still tend to be the first to drop out of school when times are hard, so we combine these loan product with training through our Girls Clubs, teaching the importance of education, skills in income production and health training in topics such as menstrual hygiene and HIV/AIDs awareness.
As School Improvement Loans bolster infrastructure, more children attend school. As a school's attendance increases and parents' abilities to pay school fees grow, a school's income increases, creating jobs for teachers, cooks, security guards, administrators, construction and maintenance workers. Meanwhile, as the school succeeds and grows, small businesses emerge in the community, offering uniforms, transportation, food, books and school supplies. In short — alone with the financial products and services that helped it grow — becomes the engine for economic, social and education growth within a community.