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Introducing Bettina

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Bettina is 24 and currently expecting her third child. She left school after completing primary education which is free in Malawi. Secondary school is not. Her parents could not afford the fees so she could not continue her studies. She wanted to carry on.  Living in a remote village in rural Malawi, Bettina had little access to vocational skills training or finance after she left school. When Opportunity International visited her village and offered a new programme focussed on empowering young…

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Helping Young Women Get Ahead

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

There are not many employment opportunities in the Northern regions of Ghana.  Many girls and young women living in extreme poverty often leave their rural homes, migrating to more prosperous cities in the south to find work.  Cities provide more opportunities to earn money which they can then send home to support their families. Most of these young women have no formal education or qualifications so their employment options are limited. Many become kayayei, which means head porter. Head porters…

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Big Dreams for a Smallholder Farmer

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

The livelihoods of rice farmers in the Upper East of Ghana are being transformed. Large-scale irrigation projects mean that farmers are now able to have two rice harvests per year: one in the harsh, dry season and the other in the rainy season. This increases the size of their harvests and the chance to earn more money for their families. It also ensures that farmers are less dependent on one single, seasonal income. This provides an added degree of financial security in a place where crops are vulnerable…

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A Thirst for Success

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Mariam lives in the Northern Region of Ghana. She is a solo entrepreneur and she has been able to grow a thriving refreshment business.  She is known for making a popular local drink called ‘somkom’ which is made with millet, ginger, pepper and sugar. She is the only vendor in her community selling it and has developed a very loyal customer base over the years. She brews and bottles the drinks in her home each day and people come from far and wide to purchase it. On an average day Mariam sells…

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Start Early. Succeed Young.

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

When children learn basic financial skills from an early age, they are significantly more likely to make wise financial decisions as adults. That’s why it is never too early to start learning about money management or develop a savings habit. This is especially critical in Sub-Saharan Africa where much of the population has neither access to secure savings nor a safety net when hard times hit. In Uganda, we are working to deliver a two-part financial education programme in secondary schools. Students…

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A New Opportunity

by Edward Fox, Chief Executive

This is an exciting time for Opportunity International. With your vital support we are achieving a great deal, but we are ambitious. There is still too much inequality of opportunity and a lot more we need to do. I am therefore delighted to announce that Sam Bickersteth will take over as Chief Executive in October 2019. I retire at the end of September, secure in the knowledge that he will lead our work from strength to strength. I have known Sam for many years. I have a deep respect for his abilities…

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Building a Future with Refugees in Uganda

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

June is World Refugee Awareness Month and June 20th is World Refugee Day. It is a time to honour and reflect on the strength, courage and resilience of the millions of people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes and have had to rebuild their lives from scratch.   Since July 2016, the Ugandan refugee crisis has reached unprecedented levels. Uganda is currently Africa’s largest hosting state, and the world’s third largest, with over 1.4 million refugees across 30 settlements. New…

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Refugees Lives: New Beginnings, New Opportunities

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Senga and Niragine are farmers in Nakivale in Uganda. They also happen to be refugees who are building a new life for their family. They have faced many challenges, but they are strong, resilient. Senga and Niragine are just starting out on their journey with Opportunity International through our new project.  Here is the beginning of their story, but it is certainly not the end.    We came to Uganda from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2006. We have four children aged 2, 4, 6, and 8 years.…

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Celebrating Dorthea, our Youth Apprentice

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Dorthea is like any other Ghanaian teenager, keen to make her way in the world and build a secure life, but she has faced many challenges. Her father died when she was young and mother had to leave the family to find work. Dorthea and her three siblings went to live with their grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. Her family was very poor and struggled to make ends meet. She often thought about her future and dreamed of being able to get a job to help her impoverished family. Through Opportunity…

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Giving the Next Generation an Opportunity

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

We want to introduce you to an exceptional client. Meet Azura Fuseina. She is a 40-year old rice processer from Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana. She has worked with Opportunity International since 2017. Through the support of a women’s business group and bank loans, Azura has grown her small business. This opportunity has made all the difference. She is earning enough money to support her family. She is more independent. She is providing her five children with an education­ – something…

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