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Death of Her Majesty the Queen

by Opportunity International

Opportunity International is deeply saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty the Queen will be remembered for her humility and servant leadership, and her extraordinary dedication and commitment to duty.  We join with the rest of the nation, the commonwealth and people throughout the world in mourning her death, and in gratitude for the example of her life. On behalf of our staff, partners and clients, Opportunity International sends its sincerest condolences…

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Job Creation is Key to Unlocking Poverty

by Opportunity International

For those living in poverty, financial stability is always just out of reach.  They are trapped in a hand-to-mouth existence and, without the right opportunity, this vicious cycle can repeat itself across generations and across communities. Access to job opportunities and sustainable livelihoods provides the financial stability to break this cycle.  A steady income means access to better nutrition and healthcare; a safer, more secure home; the ability to send children to school and the potential…

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A single Opportunity goes further than you think

by Opportunity International

Meet Rwandan coffee farmer Aphrodis. When he received support from Opportunity International, he didn’t realise just how far-reaching the impact would be.  With a loan and agricultural training, his coffee harvests quickly grew. This increased his income and allowed him to send all five of his children to school.  As his harvest continued to grow, Aphrodis started to employ people from his community.  He now provides seven local people with stable jobs on his farm.  If I didn’t meet and work…

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Tackling Uganda's Youth Unemployment

by Opportunity International

77% of Uganda is under the age of 30 and its population is set to double between 2020 and 2060. There are not enough jobs available. Youth unemployment is already high and will continue to rise as the population grows.  It’s common for young people to migrate from their remote agricultural communities to look for better job opportunities in large cities. Many find themselves alone, unemployed and unable to earn a living. Others find themselves underemployed, working in the informal sector with…

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Upskilling young people is reducing poverty across Africa

by Opportunity International

A growing youth population Youth un- and under-employment is one of the biggest challenges currently facing Africa.  Many countries are struggling to provide education, productive employment and decent work for all.  As the population increases, this challenge is becoming more acute – by 2050, Africa’s population is set to double.   In Uganda, 78% of the population is under the age of 31. While about 700,000 young people reach working age every year in Uganda, only 75,000 jobs are created.…

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Innovative refugee entrepreneurs building life-changing businesses

by Opportunity International

Our work with refugees enables people to move from dependency to self-reliance. Build their own businesses. And, work their own way out of poverty. It provides 12,000 refugee households with access to financial products and services to establish sustainable livelihoods. The best part of our work is hearing the stories from our clients. We've got three new inspiring stories to share with you about refugees overcoming challenges using their financial skills, innovative ideas and determination... Meet,…

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Who knew that the humble voice note could help lift people out of poverty?

by Opportunity International

Today, is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Where the digital world turns their attention towards people with disabilities and shines a light on digital access and inclusion. There are more than one billion people with disabilities and impairments globally. Digital accessibility cannot be overlooked. And cannot be confined to one awareness raising day. Accessibility is integral to equality.   In Uganda, we are providing access to financial service to people living with disabilities and working…

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Reaching more clients than ever before with digital innovation

by Opportunity International UK

Over the last 10 years we have worked with partners like Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans in Ghana, using technology to link clients to financial services and support. Digital technology helps us reach people living in places without access to banks, with financial services, training and products to help them build and grow sustainable businesses.  After saving the proceeds of her business, Imoro, a porridge saleswoman and Opportunity International UK client living in Ghana, bought a mobile phone. Through…

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Success for Refugee Business Women in Uganda

by Diana Salume Aqrchet, Project Associate, Refugee Financial Inclusion Programme - Uganda

New Business for Female Refugees in Uganda Lorna, a 24-year-old refugee, has lived in Uganda's capital city Kampala with her mother and siblings for five years. Seeing an opportunity, she started to teach a group of women tailoring skills that she had learnt at school in South Sudan before war forced her family to leave their country and home. To celebrate International Women’s Day 2022, the UNHCR hosted a Refugee Market Day in Kampala - showcasing products and ideas from female refugees. Opportunity…

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New project launches in Malawi - what are we doing there?

by Opportunity International UK

With over 75% of the population living on less than $1.90 a day, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the word. 80% of the population rely on agriculture to make a living. Farming is an occupation that faces increasing challenges with the effects of climate change. In January 2022 Cyclone Ana hit southern Malawi causing widespread devastation of homes and land. Our three-year project, ‘Strengthening Systems for Financial Inclusion in Rural Malawi’ will provide access to finance and training…

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