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© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).


Country: Uganda

As a teacher in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Ash noticed her students were struggling to concentrate in class. She got to the bottom of the problem and, with support from Opportunity International, she created an innovative solution to help remedy the problem, changing her own life at the same time. 

Ash is a teacher at Light to Progress Academy, a school in Nakivale. She noticed that many children in her classroom were struggling to concentrate. So Ash decided to find out why and soon realised that the children were not getting enough high-nutrition food. 

Using the opportunity to take a small loan from her savings group, Ash started a business producing high quality flour, grain and ingredients. She was soon able to package the product and sell it for an affordable price. 

I care deeply about the children and wanted to make something that would improve their health.

As a result of her high-nutrition products, she has seen better concentration in her classroom. 

My products are now sought out, and I've been able to create a new line of products for nursing mothers too. I can't make them quick enough!

Ash has seen her business grow and become more successful. She has been able to employ someone to help her and has also added liquid soap and butter to her product range. She is making plans for further expansion and talking to the Financial Inclusion Officer from Opportunity Bank about getting a bigger loan.