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Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street
Oxford, OX4 1AW UK

T: +44 (0)1865 725304

© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).

What we doCharities that create jobs in Africa

Charities that create jobs in Africa

At Opportunity International UK, we believe in an approach of charities that create jobs in Africa and around the world. We work alongside carefully selected local partners to ensure that people have access to loans, training and savings that enable them to lift themselves out of poverty by providing a hand up, not a handout. Through innovative technology, rural outreach and training, these tailored services equip clients to develop businesses, to save, and to insure against an uncertain future.

Our vision, mission, and values inform our unique approach of providing support to people through the means of job creation and sustained access to financial services. We are proud to be a charity that creates jobs for people and a charity that trains people in vital and useful skills such as financial management, agriculture, and education.

Many people living in poor communities have the drive and determination to work hard but all they need is an opportunity. This is where we come in.

Charities that train people and deliver financial advice. In countries where there are low literacy rates, and many people are unfamiliar with banking services, access to financial services may not be enough to help clients lift themselves out of poverty. Clients must also receive financial training to learn basic skills related to earning, spending, budgeting and borrowing money.

This financial advice is designed to help clients:

  • Better understand the wide range of financial services available to them
  • Increase their use of savings accounts and insurance products
  • Better manage their credit
  • Diversify their assets

Today, Opportunity International has more than 400 modules available for loan officers to use. Our modules are designed to enable every client, regardless of his or her background or education level, to make informed and confident choices about financial products and services.

They also give clients access to information on health, leadership, self-esteem, gender, communication, work-life balance, civic responsibility and more.

charities that train people Africa