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Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street
Oxford, OX4 1AW UK

T: +44 (0)1865 725304

© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).

What we doCharities that provide financial support in Africa

We believe that access to financial support is a sustainable means of poverty alleviation leading to lasting, holistic development, which is why charities that provide financial services in Africa and elsewhere are vitally important for economic development.

Financial tools and training, equip and empower entrepreneurs to build businesses, support their families and transform their communities.

Many people living in poor communities have the drive and determination to work hard but all they need is an opportunity. This is where our approach as a charity that provides financial support to people living in poverty is unique.  We work alongside carefully selected local partners to ensure that people have access to loanstraining and savings that enable them to lift themselves out of poverty. These tailored services equip clients to develop businesses, to save and to insure against an uncertain future.

Charities that provide financial support in Africa

Charities that offer financial support – Loans

A loan is a powerful thing.  It allows more than just businesses to grow.  Family income rises. Children eat and go to school. Homes are improved. Women gain status. 

We work closely with our partners to ensure that individuals, groups, educators and farmers have access to the tailored loans they need to transform their lives.  

A client typically receives his or her first loan through a Trust Group. Trust Groups bring together 10 to 30 entrepreneurs who elect leaders, receive training and pledge to guarantee each other’s loans.

Charities that provide financial support - Insurance

Opportunity International, in partnership with MicroEnsure, help entrepreneurs keep their lives and businesses moving forward in the face of unexpected hardship.

MicroEnsure, the world’s first microinsurance intermediary, works with local partners to deliver financial protection against flooding, drought, hospitalisation or a death in the family.

Charities that offer digital financial support

charity that provides financial support Africa

Charities that provide financial support – Savings accounts

Savings accounts serve as a critical mechanism for building economic independence and safeguarding the future.

Entrepreneurs living in poverty-stricken countries, however, often can’t access formal commercial banks. This forces them to pay high fees to savings collectors or hide money around the house, leaving it vulnerable to theft.

Opportunity International has designed a range of savings products based upon flexible minimum deposit amounts, interest rates and terms.  These savings accounts are used by our financial partners to provide clients with a secure, convenient way to manage money and prepare for anything from a crisis to a business opportunity. 

Charities that offer digital financial services – Using innovative technology

Over the last 10 years, we have worked with carefully selected partners to use digital financial services and innovative technologies, such as mobile-phone banking, to reduce costs and conveniently link clients to financial services and support - regardless of where they live.

Over half of those living in poverty use mobile phones. We ensure that our programmes enable clients to repay loans or transfer funds into savings accounts from their mobile device. They can also check account balances, transfer money, pay bills, receive salary or government payments, and buy phone minutes.

Charities that provide financial services in Africa