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Opportunity International UK responds to UK overseas aid budget cuts

By Opportunity International

Opportunity International UK have issued the following response to UK overseas aid budget cuts: 

We are hugely concerned at the recent cuts to the UK government aid budget. At a time when the needs of our disadvantaged and marginalised global neighbours are greatest, overseas aid should be prioritised. Denying them the opportunity to thrive and achieve a life free from poverty goes against the UK’s history of concern and compassion.

At Opportunity, we have seen first-hand the incredible impact that UK aid funding can have. Our clients have become self-sufficient, lifting themselves out of poverty and transforming their own lives through opportunity.

Standing with our colleagues across the international development sector, we urge the UK government to step up in these difficult times, and support those most in need. We should be proud to work together to bring opportunities to those across the world who rely on our support, and together, help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

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